Training Your Dog With Using A Clicker Device

By Roger Hammond

Many people claim to have all of the answers about the most effective dog training techniques. Once you bring home a puppy of your own, virtually everyone you know who has a dog will offer various suggestions on how to best care for your new pet. Just like when you have a newborn baby, each person you talk to feels that they understand just how you feel.

The use of clickers for dog training has had a re-surge in popularity. When you push the clicker box with your thumb, it emits a clicking sound, that informs your dog that he has acted appropriately, and that you are pleased with his behavior. Teaching the dog the symbolism of the sound is the foundation of training with a clicker.

You will first need to buy a clicker, if you would like to utilize clicker training with your dog. In addition, you may want to browse your local pet store for clicker training books; they might help you along with your training. To begin, try to train the dog on one trick - sit. Attempt to get your dog to sit on his bottom, as you tell him to "sit". Once he follows the instructions, reward him with his favorite treat while clicking the clicker box once. Make sure that you discharge a click every time you reward the dog with a treat. You will be helping your dog to associate his appropriate behavior with the clicking noise.

Recently, there have been many dogs that participate in competitions that are using clicker training. The next time a competition is aired on television, watch as the dogs perform the various obstacles; if you look to the side, you will probably see their trainer with a clicker box in hand. As long as the method of "command, treat, click" is strictly followed, clicker training is one of the best ways to train your dog.

Through the use of clicker training, you are in control of letting your dog know how you feel about his behavior, along with dispensing punishment and praise when it is needed. As a result, the relationship between you and your dog will be strengthened.

It is also important to note that dogs really like and react well to rewards as opposed to discipline, so remember to use the clicker as much as you can to be effective. - 32366

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Puppy Leash Training - Here's How

By Chris Station

Training a puppy to accept a collar and leash is probably the single most important thing that you can work on when you start his training. Puppy leash training can begin almost as soon as you get him settled in his new home.

When you train your puppy to become used to a collar and leash, you are establishing the idea that you are in control. This is a really important point for your dog to understand if your training is going to be successful.

When your puppy learns that he must accept his collar and lead, you will be able to move onto other areas of dog training. Here's what to do to teach him to accept his collar and lead.

Buy a collar that will fit your puppy now. Adjust it so that you can comfortably fit two fingers between the puppy's neck and the collar. Be sure it is no tighter as you want your pet to be comfortable.

When you first put the collar around his neck give him lots of attention to take his mind off the collar. Don't rush this step. Once be gets used to wearing the collar you can move onto the next step in training your puppy. Lease training is so much easier if you have given your puppy enough time to get used to just wearing a collar.

After he has become accustomed to wearing his collar, the next step would be to attach a lightweight, short leash to his collar. The length of the leash should be about three feet or so. Then you are going to allow your puppy to simply drag the leash around for a few minutes at a time. You are trying to have him get used to the feeling of having something fastened to the collar.

It's important to watch him carefully when he is dragging his lead around. You don't want him to get stuck and become upset or afraid, which might happen if he gets stuck for any length of time. You want this to be a positive experience so it will be enough that he feels a slight restriction very briefly, but no more than that. So be sure to quickly free him.

Within a few days he will have become accustomed to the feel of the leash. Once this happens, attach the other end of the leash to yourself rather than letting it drag loosely. As your puppy explores, he will get stuck as before. The difference is that this time, you will not go to him to free-up the leash.

Instead crouch down and call his name. Reach out your hand and offer him a toy or treat to try to get him to come to you. Praise him lavishly when he comes to you. Do this for a short time each day. Undo the leash after he has successfully come to you a few times, but always leave on his collar.

You will know that your puppy leash training has been a success when he routinely comes when called after reaching the end of the leash. With this success, the rest of his puppy training will go so much more smoothly. - 32366

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Positive Experiences With Your Dog Training

By Adriana Noton

Dog training can be a very rewarding experience for both you and your pet when done in a positive manner and with the right attitude. Your dog just wants to please you and when you are both happy everyone has fun, so make it a fun experience. But when your pet starts bad behaviors you have to nip them in the bud. Like chewing for example.

Chewing is a natural behavior for a dog except when it occurs on your new Kenneth Cole boots. Chewing keeps their teeth and gums healthy and you will find a variety of toys and bones in the pet store. Dogs like to exercise their jaws so it is smart to get them a chew toy right away, like with the dog when you bring him home.

When a dog has his own toys to chew on he will be less tempted to chew on your favorite pair of Manolos. If you catch your puppy chewing on something he isn't supposed to tell him "No Chew" very monotone and sternly. Make him sit down and praise him for listening to your command to sit. Then give him a toy he can chew on to show him an example of what is okay.

Constantly praise him and reward him for good actions such as when they urinate in the correct area or when they play with and chew their toys. The reward system encourages good and consistent puppy training.

Keeping your pet off of the furniture is a big part of training him in the house. When he is on the furniture and he is not supposed to be tell him "Off" very sternly. Nudge him off of the furniture quickly by pushing his midsection with your knee or hand. Then make him sit. Praise him for obeying the sit command.

Crate training is a great way to train your puppy. It can be used to potty train your dog pretty quickly. Introduce the crate to your puppy slowly and put it in a place where he will get a lot of attention.

Put a towel or a blanket inside of the crate and play with the dog there. Encourage the dog to go inside by putting treats in there for him and leave his favorite toy just outside of the opening. Them move it to just inside of the crate and put treats inside. Don't force him to go in, let him get used to it and leave the door open during this time. It can take some time for him to get used to it.

The next step is to feed you dog near the crate, then after a few tries put the food inside. When you think he is comfortable close the door when he begins to eat inside of it and open the door when he is finished eating. Each time leave the door closed a little longer. If your dog cries leave him in there for about 10 minutes and don't react to his crying. Let the dog see you when he is inside. - 32366

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A Few Ways To Housebreak An Older Dog

By Stanley Duray

If you have a new dog that once belonged to someone else and has not been bought as a puppy it will be important for you to make sure that it is properly housebroken so that it does not start defecating and urinating inside the home. If this situation has been occurring and then it is very important that you find ways to housebreak your animal. There could be a plethora of different reasons why they are doing this and the most common to all simply because they have not been trained for all have gone through some difficult times in their lives. Here are a few ways to housebreak an older dog if you are having this problem.

You need to remember that there are three times in the day when the dog will commonly want to use the toilet. These will be during each morning after they woke up, in the night-time prior to them sleeping, and also between half an hour and one hour after they had eaten each meal that they have. It is therefore very important that you take the dog out at each of these occasions.

It is a good idea therefore to start taking the dog out at the times mentioned above. When you do take the dog out and they are correct in that using the toilet outside of the house as they should do, then praise them by giving them a treat and patting them on the head.

When the dog is inside the house and make sure that you contain it within certain areas of the house and shut off all places such as the living areas and bedrooms. You should also keep the animal in your sight at all times when you are nearby.

Any time that you take the dog out, and they do not go to the toilet as you expect them to, then you should bring them straight back in after about 10 to 15 minutes. You should then make sure that you bring the dog straight back outside about 20 minutes later, and see if they use the toilet then.

You also need to ensure that that you feed the dog at certain times of the day each day. This needs to be able to fit around your own schedule and needs to be at the same time every day of each week. You should make sure that you bring the animal outside half an hour to an hour after each meal.

If your dog ends up using the toilet inside then it is important to offer some punishment but not be too firm as to scare or frighten the animal. If you're able to follow these tips then you should be able to housebreak your dog relatively quickly. - 32366

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Reinforcement Techniques Used In Dog Training

By Kurt Dorey

An obedient dog is a good dog, but they do not get this way naturally. In order to get a well-trained dog, one must begin the dog's training and conditioning while the dog is still very young. For the most part, people attempt dog training on their own, however there are a few who may turn to an obedience school for very thorough dog training.

Positive reinforcement is the most widely recognized technique used in training a dog. This is normally achieved by a reward system. The reward can come in the form of verbal praising of the dog's actions or, an even more effective manifestation, in the way of a treat. The dog treat as a reward virtually guarantees cooperation from your pet.

On the other side of the coin, many pet owners use negative reinforcement to combat bad behavior. This can be as simple as the classic "bad dog" or a tap on their behind to let them know that they were bad. Many advanced forms of negative reinforcement use some sort of electric collar.

A bark collar is a common device used in dog training for dogs that bark too frequently. A bark collar can be fitted around the dog's neck and will send out a mild electric shock every time the dog barks. By doing so, the dog will eventually learn not to bark.

Another form of electrical negative reinforcement that follows the same theory is the shock collar for the invisible fence. The invisible fence will set up boundaries for the dog. After the dog gets a few shocks from trying to cross the boundary, the dog will eventually learn where it can and cannot go.

Housebreaking a dog is a very important step during training. Both types of reinforcements should be implemented, keeping the negative reinforcement extremely mild. When a dog goes to the bathroom outside, she should be rewarded. If she goes to the bathroom inside, use mild dicipline. A dog's name should not be used for negative reinforcement as the dog may think he is just being summoned.

Training a dog is by no means a picnic, but the reward for the owner come the end of it is invaluable. There is a large measure of patience involved in dog training particularly when the dog is quite young, but as the dog grows the patience pays off. A well-trained dog can be the perfect lifetime companion to any individual or family. - 32366

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Effective Dog Training Aids

By Rick Dupont

Just because you may not be entering your dog into any competitions, this doesn't mean that they shouldn't still be trained. Even house dogs need to have some obedience and other training, to make them the best dog they can be. You want to have a dog that's a joy to be around and not one that you're constantly having to discipline. Any dog can be trained regardless of their age and breed.

One of the best dog training aids is the bark collar. When the dog barks and is wearing the collar it will give a quick zap. It's not enough to actually cause pain to the dog but it will give them a little shock and over time they will start to realize when it's okay for them to bark and when it's not. The important thing is to make sure that you're only putting the collar on them when you don't want them to bark.

It's important to have the right supplies on hand if you're going to be a dog trainer. This means everything from dog treats to dog squeaky toys so you have things to use for the dogs to play with and items to use as positive reinforcement. It's always important to use effective marketing techniques when you own a business and the same goes for any dog training business. You could design some flyers and post them up around your city or create a website that people can visit online.

In order for any business to have success, effective marketing strategies must be enforced. You can even get business by word of mouth when you visit your local dog grooming stations, vet clinics and even parties or get togethers of your friends and family. Always treat every dog special and be nice to them. Some dogs are going to present more of a challenge than others, so patience is another quality you must have.

With some dogs there may only be specific areas that their owners want work on, whereas with others you're going to need to start from the ground up. Their dog may be a grown up adult dog and now they want them to learn some tricks. The old adage that an old dog can't learn new tricks is not true but it can certainly be more of a challenge than dealing with puppies who are eager to learn. The dog training business can be a very enjoyable and lucrative one, as long as you go about things in the right way. - 32366

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What You Should Know About House Training A Dog

By Brad Davenport

When it comes to house training a dog, pet owners can often feel like they have all the wrong ideas. Sometimes they seem to resist house training to the point where you wonder if you'll ever break them of the habit of going to the bathroom in the house. But there are secrets of house training a dog.

When training a dog there are all sorts of methods that you will hear from people. Some work better with some dogs than others. You may have to try more than one ritual to see what works best. For instance, some have used paper training. This is where you let the dog go on paper and slowly move closer to the door each time. This is not reliable for some since you have to catch the dog going in order to assure they are on paper.

Another popular method for house training a dog is using crate training. This is where the dog is confined to a cage or crate and taken out at particular intervals to put them on a schedule. Most dogs will not eliminate in their sleeping area, so this method can work quite well as the dog learns that their bedding area is "home" and that they should go to the bathroom outdoors.

Another way the dog will learn to go to the bathroom outside is by using certain verbal commands or even a clicker to signal them when it is time to go out. For example, taking the dog out and using the word "potty" will allow the dog to start to associate that word with the need to go outside. You can even walk them over to the door that you want to use for this purpose so that they know where to stand when they need to alert someone.

Whichever approach you use, just remember that they respond to positive actions. Each time they do right, you need to commend them so that they know it was right. Dogs are going to have some accidents, but remember that it isn't the end of the world. There are some secrets of house training a dog, but the real secret applies to the humans teaching them. And that is, if you want positive results then be positive towards them, and they will reward you with unconditional love and affection. - 32366

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Some Puppy Training Tips To Control Your Pup

By Thomas Clancy

A new puppy brings to mind lots of wrestling, romping, and playing with an energetic ball of fur. It also makes people think of chewing, jumping, and little messes about the house that need to be cleaned up. Training a puppy takes time and lots of patience. Being repetitious in your actions and reinforcing good behavior is going to be the quickest way to teach this little guy the proper way to behave. The puppy training tips listed below should help you get started.

Housebreaking: Using a crate is the most desired way to start with housebreaking a puppy, since it's easier to keep track of his whereabouts when he's in the crate. This should be an area filled with toys and a comfortable bed for him to nap on. Try taking him outside every hour to relieve himself, until you know how long his breaks are between bathroom needs. It's a good idea to give him a break from the kennel every couple of hours, just to have a chance to romp around the house. The crate method is great for the evenings too, since puppies will usually whine when they need to go to the bathroom in the night when they are crated.

This generally means he is searching for a place to go to the bathroom. As soon as the pup looks like he is looking for a good spot to relieve himself, pick him up and take him outside. Remain outside until he does his business and praise him after he is finished.

People who use this method watch for signs of bathroom searching and immediately take the pup outside. As soon as his nose goes to the ground, you might only have a few seconds before he starts to leave a puddle.

Praise is always a good thing to give after the puppy is finished with relieving himself outside. This will let him know that going to the bathroom outside is the best thing to do. Having a regular schedule for bathroom breaks will provide a better idea as to how long it is between times when the puppy really needs to relieve himself.

Chewing: This is a natural pastime of puppies. They are often working their new teeth and simply need something to chew on. Give the puppy his own supply of toys. If you catch him chewing on something that he shouldn't be, firmly say the word 'no' as you take it away from him.

If the puppy finds something to chew on that isn't one of his toys, this is remedied by quickly taking the item while firmly saying the word 'no' to him. You will need to have a toy of his to give him in place of the other item. This may take a bit of time for him to realize which toys are his and which are yours.

A daily routine is going to help a lot with housebreaking; taking him outside as soon as you get up, right before bed, and 20 to 30 minutes after he eats, will be times that he will become familiar with. Once he knows that these times are set, his body will adjust to them as well. Consistency with chewing issues, as well as housebreaking, is going to make these puppy training tips much more valuable. Don't let frustration get the better of you and think about how well-adjusted this little guy will be in the future, form all your hard work. - 32366

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Advice on Buying A Dog Cage

By Fran James

It can be very confusing when looking to buy a dog cage for your best friend. The reason for this is that there are so many types available. These vary from the heavy duty metal dog cages to the smaller, cut, decorative ones that tend to appear more like a piece of furniture.

You will probably find one of the most popular and cheaper types are the wire cages. These are easy to service and are often used for crate training and travelling. One slight disadvantage is that they do not really provide a quiet retreat for your dog as they are open on all sides. This can be easily solved by placing a blanket over the cage.

On of the more popular choice amongst pet owners is the soft dog cage. They look cute and are often in bright colors, so pet lovers adore them. However, they are not ideal if you dog likes to chew things or if he is going to grow much bigger. If your dog is not a chewer, you will find them quite durable.

The next type is the wicker dog cage, which is one of my favorites. It will often blend in with the furniture at home and so is ideal if you plan on keeping the cage indoors. As with the soft type of cage, these types are best suited to small dogs.

The most common type of cage used for transporting dogs is the plastic dog cage, which has a door at the front and air vents on the top and along the sides. These types are often a little more expensive than the other models available. Therefore, it is worthwhile buying one that is also an airline approved carrier, in case you decide to travel by air at a later date. I would advise this type of cage over the wire variety for travelling in a car.

When deciding on what type of cage to buy you should also consider both the size of your dog and his habits. If he is a chewer or if he is large, I would recommend buying a hard plastic carrier type cage. This is especially so if he is also going to be spending a lot of time in it.

No matter which cage you decide to purchase, this is going to be your dogs new home. As such it should be a cage that provides him with security and a quiet place that he can rest. - 32366

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Train Your Dog - 10 No Fail Tips On Dog Training

By Chris Station

If you want a well behaved dog you need to teach him how to behave. An untrained dog can make your life miserable, but you can't really hold him responsible for his actions. He doesn't know any better. But before you start on a training program there is some basic information you need to be aware of. Professional dog trainers use these basics all the time. Here are their top 10 tips.

1. Begin just as soon as you bring that new puppy home. It's crucial to establish routines immediately in order to avoid problems later on. For example, if your dog is not going to be welcome on the couch when he gets bigger, then don't ever let him on the couch as a puppy. If you want to cuddle with him, get down on the floor with him. You want the habits he learns to be good ones, not bad ones.

2. Be firm, but fair and consistent. If you change the rules you will only frustrate and confuse your dog. So, if you don't want your dog to beg food from the table, don't ever feed him treats while you are eating.

3. Teach your new puppy to accept a collar and lead soon after bringing him home. This is one of the easiest yet most important steps you can take to have a well-trained dog. A dog on a lead is easier to work with and control.

4. When training your dog, have fun with him and reward his accomplishments, no matter how small they may be. Rewards can be treats, a scratch on the head, or praise. If he enjoys what you're doing with him and can look forward to being rewarded, you will accomplish a great deal in a shorter time frame.

5. Patience is a quality that every single good dog trainer needs to have, and lots of it. Progress should be measured in very small steps. Your dog will not learn and remember overnight. It takes lots and lots of practice before the desired behavior will come naturally. Be sure to reinforce the targeted behavior by repeated practice and rewards.

6. There will be times when it will be necessary for you to discipline your dog. There are two important points to remember when it comes to discipline. First, don't ever order your dog to come when you are preparing to discipline him. Leave this word for positives in training. Instead go to him. Second, hitting does not have a place in dog training. If you hit your dog as a form of discipline, he will learn to be afraid of you. This will not work with dog training.

7. Whenever you start a new session of training, the first thing to do is to quickly review the behaviors that your pet has already mastered. Then as always, reward him and move on to something new.

8. Keep lessons short. You never want to drag things out to where the training becomes a chore. So if your dog begins to lose focus, end the lesson with a simple-to-follow command. Then give him a reward and then spend a few minutes playing with him.

9. Teaching him commands such as "sit, stay, come, and down", first will make other lessons easier. Once he has learned these commands and responds consistently to each of them, you can then move onto more complex tricks or commands.

10. You have probably noticed that rewards are used liberally when training your dog. It can't be emphasized enough how important it is to only reward when a command is executed properly. If you give him a treat whether or not he sits at your command, there is no real reason for him to do as you ask.

By following these tips on dog training, you can be sure of having success in your quest to have a well behaved dog. And really wouldn't you rather have a dog that listens to you than one who doesn't? - 32366

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Puppy Training Tips: Get A Jump Start Training Your New Puppy

By Julie Wilson

You will find thousands of various puppy training tips you may choose to look into. It is vital that you recognize that it is probably not the puppy at fault here knowning that instead you just could be teaching the dog incorrectly. In order to avoid this, it's imperative that you select the reliable puppy training tips that have been proven to work. These are a few examples of puppy training tips that should work correctly.

Instructing a puppy to sit sounds easy but it can actually become somewhat challenging, particularly if you are working with an older dog. Using this method you'll be able to say to them to sit whenever people are coming into your home and visiting you or any time you're at the vet's trying to keep them calm. One of the best puppy training tips involves coaching your puppy this ability, and to get going you'll want to have the puppy standing up. Subsequently you want to tell them sternly to "sit" and it is important to repeat the command many times.

The explanation for this is to use repeated commands to be able to force the puppy to recollect and connect the command with the proper action. This kind of positive affirmation will let them know that they're getting rewarded for carrying out what they were told. Whether or not you utilize a clicking device, treat or toy the main factor is that you give it to the puppy right away when they obey you. Wait until the puppy is over six months old which is when they can fully manage their bowels, and if they do go to the bathroom inside your home you need to let them know immediately that this is incorrect.

You do not want to use a harmful response to try and educate the puppy, such as sticking their nose in the urine they may have left around the house. This is simply likely to bring the puppy lower as well as cause them to become distressed which might actually cause a larger challenge with potty training. It's also best to build a routine for the puppy, because they should be able to grow accustomed to this. Feed them their food at the same time daily and also take them out for a walk about a half hour following each meal.

These are all helpful puppy training tips that really do the job and also can help you coach your puppy to become properly behaved plus a pleasure to be around. - 32366

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Puppy Training 101: Essential Accessories Needed To Teach Your Puppy

By Julie Wilson

Are you ready for Puppy Training 101? To get started, you will need three specific pieces of equipment to properly train your puppy: a training collar, a leather training leash, and a 15-foot length clothesline rope.

If you're already thinking that your puppy's present leather collar will work, and that his 4-foot chain leash will suffice, you may as well stop reading this article and save yourself and your puppy weeks of discomfort and hardship. There simply is no substitute for the right training equipment. A training collar is a slip-chain type made of metal. Don't substitute one that's made of nylon.

One of the numerous things an individual's puppy will almost certainly understand is to have assurance in you. However he will never develop that feeling of trust in the event you substitute inappropriate training products that are not efficient. When there's no confidence there can be no respect, and no respect means no want to please. No need to please indicates no enthusiasm to learn. Add them all up and you have got an unmanageable puppy which will never realize his rightful place in the human world.

The Proper Leash

Your leash should be of the regular five to six foot leather type with a hand loop at one end. Training dog collars and also leather training leads can be purchased from pet specialists and also via online catalogs. Training collars are sometimes called choke-chains, which is incorrect. While it's true that a training collar can choke, if it's worn on the puppy correctly and used properly, there's no way it can be a choke-chain and cause harm to your pet.

The Right Collar

The collar should be large enough to slide over the puppy's head comfortably, but not so large as to fall over the ears if the puppy should lower his head. A good rule of thumb to follow is to place the collar on the puppy and cinch it up tight for a moment and observe whether you have three inches of chain left over. If so, you have a fairly good fit. It is better to have a training collar that's slightly too large than one slightly too small.

Final Puppy Training Necessities That You Cannot Find In A Store

The remaining equipment that you'll need cannot be purchased at any store, but without them, you cannot successfully train your puppy.

You must love and care for your puppy! You must have patience and exercise patience while your puppy is learning. A shallow patience put together along with a quick temper is going to assure complete and utter fiasco

To lose your cool and blow up means the end of training, so here's a little tip that might help you keep your cool:

It takes 4 to 5 days for an average puppy to learn the average thing. Do not expect your puppy to perform like a professional the first few days of teaching him something new. It just doesn't happen that way. If you lose control of yourself, you have lost control of the situation. When this happens, your puppy loses confidence in you.

I hope you have enjoyed the first lesson in Puppy Training 101! - 32366

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How To Bathroom Train Your Dog The Easy Way

By Mike Jones

Getting a puppy is a very exciting experience. Usually your objective for bringing this puppy home is to have an enriching and rewarding experience as it becomes a part of your home. Yet, there could be hindrances to your dream of a happy household with a dog member. A very significant occasion is when you realize that it is not a bed of roses when your dog starts wrecking havoc, not only to your routine but also to your house.

However, you know very well that dog training is the straight forward answer to this possible chaotic situation. Being able to train your pet to have excellent conduct and behavior involves many aspects. It will require different training facets but one of the most important of them all is potty training.

Many are apprehensive and feel stressed with the idea of potty training. If you belong to those pet owners who are serious to do dog training by themselves, make sure to know about the different ways to do this. There are plenty of methods available to accomplish this and each one is as good as another. Although there is only one basic concept to always remember in dog training, that you teach the dog the right things to do.

In potty training your dog, you must start as soon as possible. Delaying the training might make it harder for you when you get around to doing it. This is because your dog has started to form habits of its own. In potty training or in any other training, consistency is the key as it is the foundation of the habit.

Start your potty training by picking the spot. It would be helpful if the floor would be easy to clean as there could be instances of hits and misses especially at the onset. Get lots of newspapers or even cardboard and spread several layers in your chosen area. Each time your dog needs to go to the bathroom, bring it on top of the paper-covered floor area.

While your dog is at it, lavish the praise and the love. This is the only best time to do this. A delayed praise might not be connected with the action and your dog will not learn. When you clean up the newspapers, always retain one slightly-soiled piece to put on top of the new pile. The dog would connect the layers of newspapers with the action of going to the bathroom.

As your dog slowly learn that this is the only spot for a bathroom, slowly shrink the size of the coverage area. If it misses the mark and messes the uncovered area, expand your newspaper cover again. Repeat with shrinking the spot in a gradual manner until your dog perfects the bathroom concept.

When you come to a point when your pet's mess is only as big as your newspaper layers, it is the proper time to move on with the training. Your next step is to either exchange the pile for an indoor toilet or move the heap towards the door. Your pet then is ready to be house trained as your pet has been successfully potty trained.

Always remember though the one important rule in dog training is the proper formation of your pet's habit. This entails time and endless duplication of the required action to achieve the desired outcome. Yet your patience and determination will be properly rewarded as you could enjoy your pet without the unpleasant mess. - 32366

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Dog Obedience Classes Or Prefer To Do It Yourself?

By Joan Sebastien

An ever-increasing number of pet owners apparently favor training schools, over the do-it-yourself strategy. Canine training schools can be quite expensive. However, if you lack the essential practical knowledge, or time to allocate to this task, these schools can be found to carry out every thing on your behalf.

Training schools for dogs have started to appear throughout almost every city across north america as well as Europe. Adding quite a bit of hype and also pitch to their promises, quite a few also offer a refund in full if they will not succeed. Many of these schools could possibly be the sole choice for a number of dog owners, whose insufficient knowledge leaves them no other choice.

Quite a few dog owners maintain that the amount of money charged by a lot of these schools can be quite excessive and unjustified. However, when you take a moment to think about the actual costs, like nutrition, supplies, and also training site, you would subsequently come to understand not all the actual charges go into the company's wallets. There can be essential costs, as well as the job wages for experienced dog handlers. Seeing as a background check is conducted on the teacher, what better location will there be for the dog to learn to behave?

Be ready to face the consequences with taking your dog to training school. Certain dogs could feel the stress piling up and act accordingly. Equip yourself with a bag and also a scoop, as these will be the most usual indications of tension. Continue to keep your dog on a lead, and notice just what interests him or her and what doesn't. It is likely they might not like some of his fellow schoolmates a lot and would like to do something about it.

Lastly, do not pass on a poor attitude to your pet, try to relax and enjoy your self and your dog should more than likely do the same. Always keep them interested by drawing his / her attention toward you, at least until he or she has had an opportunity to become accustomed to the surroundings.

With fresh laws coming forth relating to public behavior regarding dogs, training classes are the final and only useful resource for some pet owners. For breeds for example the Boxer, or the Pit Bull, dog keepers will want to place more caution on their instruction so that it will save their dog from being put to sleep by local authorities should anything terrible happen. - 32366

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Can You Learn From A Dog Training DVD?

By Brad Davenport

If you've discovered that your perfect pooch has a real problem that you can't deal with, then you're going to need professional help. Should you take them to a trainer? Is a dog training DVD a good way to learn? You need to decide what is best for you and the dog.

Dog trainers are great, when they know their material. But how do you know if they do? You can research and try to find out by their website. Or you can go to class and take a chance. But look forward to paying for the personalized treatment, because a good trainer will not be cheap.

The other main reason is simple: convenience. In our fast paced lives it's hard enough getting ourselves and the kids to scheduled events, without adding Rover to the list. And if you did find someone to teach your dog, you are on their schedule. If something coincides with a class, they will go on without you. Not to mention, the hassle of loading the dog, unloading the dog, and after class, doing it all over again. When you add the time, fuel, and hassle factor it isn't that appealing.

Another great thing about doing your dog training by DVD is that it will save you time and money. As far as time goes, you won't have to drive back and forth to see a dog trainer and spend hours of your time away from home. It will save you money because you won't have to pay for private trainer to help you with your dog.

The great thing about training with a DVD is it's on your time. If you get interrupted, you can stop and pick it up later. Plus, you get to exercise the great rewind button if you need to. In fact, you can rewind as many times as you need to, no matter how long it takes. And if your dog starts acting up, or frustration set in, for either of you, you have the luxury of stopping until it's a better time.

So, if you want to know if a dog training DVD a good way to learn, it really depends on what you consider a good use of your time. You can either spend it carting your canine back and forth to class, or you spend that time more wisely in the comfort of your own home. - 32366

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Find the Right Dog Training Book

By Brad Davenport

If you are trying to find the right dog training book, you might feel like your head is spinning around because of all the options available to you. Some books are simply rehashed material that has been said time and time again while other books genuinely have good quality information for you.

The best place to find the right dog training book is online. Not only can you purchase regular physical books online, but you can also look at e-books. E-books have more up-to-date information because they can be updated quickly. These are often more current than books you would find at a store or library.

When looking for the right kind of training material for your dog, it is important to take into consideration the breed you are dealing with. Dog breeds are ingrained with certain characteristics, so you might want purchase a dog book that is specific to the breed that you are trying to train.

For instance, Jack Russell terriers were bred to chase foxes. This means that you may have to take a different approach when you're trying to train them because sometimes their sense of smell will overpower them in certain situations. The same can be said for Beagles.

Before you buy a dog training book, you want to make sure to read the summary to see if you will be comfortable with the training methods being used. There is no need to invest in a training program that you don't feel comfortable with.

Another important factor to take into consideration is who the author of the book is. You want to make sure it's someone who has extensive experience in training dogs and not someone who simply put a bunch of material together. Having an experienced person explain these methods to you is critical to your success.

No matter what dog training method you use, you want to make sure that it does not include punishment. Disciplining a dog is a good idea, but punishment is not. It breaks down the relationship between the owner and the pet. You can find the right dog training book if you keep these tips in mind. - 32366

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Start Puppy Housebreaking - Potty Training A Puppy With Four Painless Techniques

By Julie Wilson

If there exists something that most pet owners could possibly relate to it is usually the experience connected with wanting to potty train a puppy which has hardly any concept in regards to the suitable spot to make use of the bathroom and also coaching the pup to become a responsible puppy to make use of the bathroom within the correct place and at the right times.

Potty training a puppy can be one of the most common areas in which lots of puppy owners start the wrong types of training practices. It is this condition where people can use just some common sense tips to get their pets rapidly introduced to the right way to use the bathroom.

The very first thing you will need to be aware of is the fact that just about all dogs possess a normal instinct to prevent messing the very place where they sleep and also eat. However brand new puppies may not get it right away, however it isn't going to take very long for them to understand that they do not want to pee or produce stools where they live and play.

Let us discuss a few housebreaking strategies that you may utilize today which will help get your puppy on his way to getting effectively trained whenever he has to use the bathroom:

1. Whenever you rise each day, refrain from praising or greeting your puppy before he has used the bathroom. This will develop into a new habit for him as soon as your dog realizes that he will get lots of nurturing attention and also praise following using the bathroom every day, this routine should remain in his brain and he is going to recognize what to do in order to get precisely what he needs, and that is your praise!

2. When preparing to take your puppy outdoors or wherever it is you wish your pet to use the bathroom, adhere to applying only one command any time you guide your pet towards the potty place. For example, I utilize the phrase "Go pee pee".

3. Whichever route you take at the time you lead your pet from the home to his potty spot, make use of this same trail each and every time you take your pet to make use of the bathroom. This will help develop a pattern to ensure your dog has learned that it is time to go to the bathroom while you are walking him through the same path.

4. And naturally, it should go without saying you will want to use a lot of praise as well as supportive caresses when your puppy correctly utilizes the bathroom inside the designated area. You have to help your pet to connect potty training with a good experience along with showering your pet along with love and affection is the appropriate way to do it.

If you keep to the preceeding methods, potty training a puppy ought to always be a constructive experience for both you and your dog. - 32366

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Why Does My Dog Always Jump On People?

By Matt Closson

There are many reasons why you would want to know how to stop dogs jumping on you and others. The first thing that comes to mind is, sharp paws, sharp paws can hurt and tear though cloths. And of course dogs don't have the cleanest feet in the world, now do they? And probably the most important reason why you would want to learn how to stop dogs jumping is safety, you don't want a 30, 40, 80 lbs dog jumping on a small adult or child, someone could really get hurt. So, lets take a look at what we can do to stop this behavior.

When your dog was a puppy, he was much smaller and when he came running to you he would jump on your ankle or maybe your knee, no big deal right? And in response to your little bundle of joy, you would reach down and pet him, maybe even pick him up.

You have just taught your puppy a very important lesson, "when I jump up on my owners leg he/she gives me love!" Fast foreword a few months and now that once small little puppy is 3, 4, maybe 5 times the size he once was. He doesn't understand the difference, he just wants the love that he knows how to get by jumping on you.

Before we move on to how to stop dogs jumping on you, let me make it clear that there are two main reasons why a dog may jump on you.

The first being out of extreme excitement. Usually rejoicing after a long absents from you.(come home from work)

The second and much more serious reason why some dogs jump on people is to show dominance. Dominance issues are a more complicated problem of communication and attitude. Dominance, If let unchecked for too long could really be difficult to over come. If you feel that you may be dealing with a dog that is jumping on people to display dominance, I suggest that you brush up on your alpha dog skills.

How you react to your dog jumping on you and others will determine whether or not he repeats this behavior. You will have to make a commitment to continuing effort and consistency in dealing with this problem. To stop dog jumping you have to make it clear to your dog that it is never acceptable to jump on you or anyone.

What this means is you are going to fallow though with the same training all the time every day until he masters this new behavior. You can't expect your dog to know the difference between nice cloths and play cloths, muddy paws and clean paws or play time and greeting time. If you let him jump in one situation he will think it's ok to jump when ever he feels like it.

The most effective way to change any dog behavior happens to also be the easiest way to change unwanted dog behavior, and that is to "ignore the bad and reward the good". Or what is also know as positive reinforcement training. I know that is the last thing you are thinking of when your dog just put a new run in your patty hose or knocked a small child down but with a little pre-planning positive reinforcement works really well.

When your dog goes to jump on you, turn your back on him right away. Dogs understand body language much more than the spoken word. So, what you need to do here is use your posture to get your message though loud and clear. As soon as he gets his paws are back on the ground, reward him with praise. If he gets excited again and goes to jump, turn your back, head and eyes away from him (the cold shoulder). You can repeat this cycle several times in a matter of seconds. Don't concern yourself with confusing your dog because they can only comprehend your reaction to their given behavior at that moment. Continue this training technique for the next several days and soon your dog will stop jumping on you. - 32366

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Learning Techniques For Puppy Potty Training

By Greg Stannionis

Puppy potty training may very well be one of the most difficult aspects of bringing home a new puppy. It requires vigilance and a dedication to constant supervision. It also requires a great deal of patience. No one enjoys the idea of a puppy going potty in the all the wrong places. We work hard to keep our homes clean and we do not enjoy those surprise methods.

While many of us realize that puppy potty training is going to take some work, after a week or two it is common to be a little over the novelty of it all. Losing your patience or becoming angry about it can lead to more problems than it solves. All you really need is consistent behaviors so that your new pup can learn some new behaviors of his own. No puppy understands immediately what the big deal is. It's your job to teach him.

It's best if you can keep your dog in the same room with you. If you have areas of your house that are not used frequently it becomes a tempting indoor toilet for your pup. Instead, rigging a puppy gate that keeps him from leaving your line of sight can make a huge difference when it comes to helping him become more successful.

This also allows you to keep a better eye on him. If you realize that accidents are actually your mistake rather than his in the beginning, you tend to have fewer accidents in the house. Set him up on a reasonable schedule. Take him out when he wakes from a nap, after a play period, five minutes after eating, and of course before bed. This way he can start learning when to expect your next trip outside. These are also natural times when a puppy is likely to go.

When your puppy is successful you will encourage new success by having an all out treat laden party ever single time. Make sure you fuss and give him treats when he does well so that he understands without a doubt that he has done the right thing. Avoid disciplinary behaviors like hitting or nose rubbing as this doesn't really do much other than make him afraid and confused. Snatch him up while he is the middle of an accident with a strong vocal correction and march him out to where it's appropriate to go.

Throw happy parties for success regularly, give him a concrete schedule, and make sure you know where he is and what kind of behavior he is exhibiting in order to develop a strong understanding of where it is acceptable to toilet. Just because he has had a successful week doesn't mean he is ready for the run of the house.

Health issues can play a huge role in his potential for success. Those months when sexual maturity is sneaking up on him can also cause backsliding. Once he is fixed he will likely return to his outdoor toileting behaviors.

Crate training can help a great deal with puppy potty training. He can learn to hold it better when it means he has to sleep with it while you're gone. Puppies do not like to have to live and eat where they take care of business, and thus crate training can be a wonderful tool in breaking the accident cycle. - 32366

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Start Training A Puppy At An Early Age For Positive Results

By Greg Stannionis

There is nothing more exciting than bringing a new puppy home. There is just something about puppies that makes them adorable to everyone. Nobody can resist their charm. That is, nobody can resist their charm until they have a little accident on your living room carpet. Then you have to think about training a puppy!

Toilet training your puppy can be exasperating or it can be a fun part of raising your new dog. If you know just a little bit about puppies and dogs and how to train them, you can toilet train your puppy without traumatizing either yourself or your new family member.

All dogs have certain instincts that they are born with. One of these instincts is to not soil their sleeping den. In their natural environment they will know to immediately head outdoors if they feel an urge to urinate or defecate. But they may not have that option in the confines of your house. Your puppy will show signs of anxiety before it "does its duty" in your home.

To make matters worse, the poor thing doesn't have the ability yet to "hold it in, " so it may run around the room whimpering and then just have to let go wherever it happens to be at the time. It is important not to punish the puppy for its mistake. It hasn't done anything wrong. On the other hand, it is equally important to teach it that the place where it relieved itself before is not the place to relieve itself the next time!

Do not loudly scold your puppy, hit it or rub its face in its mess. Immediately clean up the area and take the waste matter outside and put it where it belongs. Take the puppy with you and let it see and smell where its waste belongs. Then go back and clean up thoroughly. Take special care to use a cleaning solution that completely eliminates the odor, remembering that your dog has a keener sense of smell than you do.

Now you will have to keep an eye on your puppy and catch it before it goes, rather than after. You will easily notice the signs of distress and the times it needs to go. Take it outside as soon as it is clear that it is time. After the puppy has "done its duty, " offer it a reward and an encouraging pat. Let it know that you, the leader of the pack, approve of its good behavior.

By nature, dogs are pack animals. While their charms may be hard to resist, the puppy must learn who is boss early in life or it may grow up thinking it is the boss and be very hard to train later in life. Dogs, like humans, learn best by reward. Harsh punishment results in neurotic behavior in dogs just as it does in humans.

Training a puppy from an early age is best for everyone. You will have a happy, well-adjusted pet and your life together will be satisfying for both of you. - 32366

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Dog Biting Problems-A Serious Issue

By Brad Davenport

Out of all the dog behavioral problems, biting is considered to be the worst and the most serious. Even if your dog goes on the couch quite often, it might not present you as much problem as from a biting behavior. Some communities insist on putting the dog down if he bites someone severely. If your dog has a biting problem it can even mean the end of his life. So you have to take immediate action to solve the biting problem of your dog.

However, biting problems in puppies are quite normal. When puppies start to teeth, they will have a natural tendency to bite everything that they can get hold of, including you. Though a puppy bite might break your skin, it will not cause any serious damage. But then, this is the right time for you to start training your puppy to stop biting.

Don't be cruel to your dog or excessively harsh with the discipline, but let your dog no when he bites you too hard. If your dog bites you hard, pull your hand away immediately and say ouch, or bad dog, or something like that. Let him know that he has hurt you.

Most dog biting problems have a physiological cause behind them. You see, dogs do not only bite when they want to hurt something. They bite something if they want to hold onto it, they bite to play, and they bite as a way to warn people or other dogs do not go any further. The problem is that dogs have thicker skins than people. Your dog thinks of you as just another dog, so he can easily bite through your skin accidentally. If you don't address the dog biting problem while he is still a puppy, it can become serious. If you do train him not to bite too hard, he will grow up to be a great pet.

Apart from psychological reasons, biting can also be an inherent quality of some dogs. A dog might be naturally temperamental and get very angry quite often. In that case, you have no other option than to send the dog to an obedience school.

If your dog shows biting tendencies then you have take it very seriously and get help as soon as possible from a professional dog trainer, as an average pet owner is not equipped to address this serious problem.

If one of your neighbors owns a pooch with dog biting problems, the best thing you can do is to prepare yourself. Buy some strong pepper spray formulated to take care of dogs. If the dog tries to bite you, don't hesitate to spray it in his eyes. You could also try a more friendly approach. When you run into aggressive dogs, simply give them a piece of beef jerky. If you can make friends, you can avoid being bitten. - 32366

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Uncomplicated Steps For House Training A Puppy

By Christopher Stein

Consistency, commitment, patience and paying close attention are needed for house training your dog as well as newspaper.

A guide for training your puppy is listed below. Remember that accidents will happen even if you have a full grown dog.

To house train your puppy faster, be consistent. Training can last for several weeks or more so be patient.

Set up a routine.

As with babies, puppies learn faster with normal schedules. This helps the puppy learn that there is a time for going to the bathroom, playing and eating.

For every month of age, a puppy can control their bladder for an hour. So, if the puppy is two months old, then he can control his bladder for two hours. Remember this when taking your puppy out for potty breaks. Hiring a dog walker might be necessary if you work away from the home to keep the schedule.

Take your puppy outside as soon as he wakes up, after drinking or eating, and during or after playing. Also, choose a spot outside for the bathroom. Always take him to that spot while he is on a leash. Use words or phrases such as "get busy" while he is going to the bathroom. He will learn to associate these words with relieving himself.

Rewards are an excellent method for teaching your puppy. Give him praise or a treat immediately after he has used the bathroom. Do this while you both are still outside.

Using a regular feeding schedule will help with the bathroom schedule. Normally, puppies will eat three or four times a day. Feeding him at the same time every day will make him more consistent when potty training.

To keep your puppy from needing to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, put his dishes up about two hours before bedtime. If he does wake up in the middle of the night, stay calm, so he won't think it is time to play. Don't turn on a lot of lights or play with him. Take him outside and then go back to bed.


Keep an eye on your puppy when he is inside so he will not soil in the house.

Keep your puppy near you using a six foot leash if you are not playing with or training him. Some signs that he may need to use the bathroom include scratching at the door or barking, restlessness, circling or sniffing. If you see your puppy acting like that, take him outside immediately. After he uses the bathroom, reward him with praise or a treat. - 32366

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Puppy Training Basics - Teaching your Puppy to be Gregarious

By Frederico Sasso

Dogs are much like humans since they do enjoy interaction with nearly everyone. They are generally friendly and enjoy interaction with other animals, such as dogs and even reptiles. However, dogs are different as well. Some dogs are hostile even to other dogs. All dogs are different, just as all people are different.

If you are an animal lover, then you know the value of having several dogs, regardless of their species. This makes it very difficult to keep your house in order, and then you have the fact that your dogs will want to defend their territory. If you have ever seen a canine territorial conflict, then you know what a headache can be. We've all had the experience of walking the dog in the middle of the night, and watching a rival dog wander into the yard. Have you ever managed to make it back inside without the entire front of your body covered in wet grass?

There are ways to remedy this. Your dog needs to be taught social behavior as soon as humanly possible. They're like children, and as children, their minds are more susceptible to learning. You remember how easily you accepted things when you were a child, right? They have not established the line between a friend and an enemy; they're just trying to learn, and you need to take advantage of that.

If you have decided to have just one dog, then in it's young years you need to introduce it to other dogs. This way it will understand that not all dogs are enemies. It also needs to become used to being touched. This will make it friendlier around other people, and of course will keep it from biting every hand it happens to see.

Now when you have decided to introduce your puppy to other dogs, you need to make sure you keep a tight grip on their leash. Do this until you're absolutely certain they aren't going to kill each other. It sounds a little controlling, but just like children, they need to be taught the difference between right and wrong.

Puppies enjoy jumping, shoving and biting, it is part of their play; however, you can teach them not to do so. They will do this while playing with one another, just ensure they are not really hurting one another. It can be terribly annoying to try to watch television, while your puppy or dog is jumping on you continually, whether it is a lap dog or not.

You might find that your dog likes to bark. All dogs love to bark, it is quite natural, but it becomes a bit nerve racking if your dog is standing in the house barking at all times. You can try to distract them with a treat, or teach them to stop barking all the time. It might not work at first, and if that is the case you will need to keep trying. Perhaps you can teach them that you will provide them a treat, but only if they will stop barking. If you use this method then over time they will learn only to bark when absolutely necessary.

One method of teaching a dog to be quite, and it's going to sound strange, is to put them on their back and yell in their faces. Okay it's not going to look good if someone walks by and sees it, but many professional dog trainers use this method. Also remember that if you have rescued an animal from either the street or an animal shelter, because they probably have not been taught from an early age. That does not mean it's impossible to train them however.

Just remember to train your dog as early as possible. Trained properly he or she can be a worthy companion and friend for years to come. Keep this in mind next time you decide to raise a four legged companion. - 32366

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Owning A Dog " How To Control Your Dog And Love It All The Same

By Chloe Francesca

You might find this article helpful to detail ways and methods of keeping your dog healthy and happy. This goes so much more into the dog's existence than just proper nutrition and exercise, although these will be discussed. We will also talk about how to control your dog when it gets wound up, and also the importance of giving your dog purpose.

When you consider the life of man's best friend, it can either be really fulfilling or rather hum drum and that is entirely up to you. You see, it is your responsibility to completely care for the animal and meet all of its needs to the fullest. You will learn that there is a lot that will go into the care and maintenance of a dog, but it is a truly rewarding experience at the same time.

Taking care of your dog begins with its diet. You see, you might know that dogs will eat just about anything they have put in front of them. They even will eat things they don't have placed in front of them. This does not mean they should be a garbage disposal. You have to give them foods that will promote a healthy body and coat for your best friend.

Encouraging your dog to exercise is another way to improve the quality of its life. You see, if your dog does not get proper exercise, then it will end up with a lot of energy that it cannot get rid of. This ends up resulting in some bad behavior or excessive hyperactivity. So it is best to let them burn off this energy outside for awhile.

So how do you control your dog when it gets out of line? Many people have trouble with overly excitable dogs, and these dogs are equally as troubled. You see, any dog can become the well behaved dream pet, but it might take some tough love from you to accomplish it. You can look into some technique, but you have to think of it like raising children. You don't let your kids do something they know is wrong, and nor should you allow your pets.

And just like children, your pet wants to feel important to what you are doing. Some animals are designed by nature to be work animals, and so you can help them feel as though they are accomplishing their goals in simple ways. For one, take them on walks and allow them to carry items of yours in a backpack strapped onto their bodies. This will help them understand that they are hauling something important to you, and you will notice a positive response from them.

If you have a dog, then you have the possibility of that animal contracting fleas and ticks from being out in the yard or the park. There is little that your animal can do to defend itself. What you can do is to keep him safe through the purchase of certain items that will keep him bug free, healthy and happy. So do him a favor.

If you are trying to take on a dog, you have to understand that doing so is a very detailed and involved process. This might not be a super easy road to take, but you will find it to be very rewarding I am sure. It begins with the diet and exercise, but it also involves giving your dog purpose and learning to control your dog. - 32366

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Dog Training: Back to Basics Does the Trick

By Melanie Brooks

Dogs are smart, making them easy to train. Whether training a puppy for the first time, an adult dog new to your home, or revisiting training with your resident dog, getting back to basics is the most efficient approach to assuring you have a well-adjusted, well-behaved pet.

Those of us who have learned a second language know all too well, if you don't use that second language regularly, you will eventually forget the language. Training your dog is the same as teaching him a second language. Without consistent reinforcement throughout the dog's lifetime, even the smartest of dogs will forget even the best training. When this happens, it is best to go back to the basics. Training commands are a form of communication. If your dog is forgetting to listen, go right back to ground zero. Start training as if your dog has never been trained before.

For instance, if your dog is no longer coming when you give him the command, dust off the long lead and start over. Use a 40' lead (available at your local pet or feed store). Tie knots in it at 2' and 5' before the end. Add a tied handle and you have your training lead. Begin by calling your dog: name and come. While saying the command, quickly begin by running backwards After about 5 feet, stop once the dog has caught up to you. Reward with a snack. Repeat a few times.

After about 5 or 10 minutes of training, do a bit of agility, play with your pup. It is very important to remain cheerful, and get excited when they perform the behavior correctly. The dogs forget the repetition. Many breeds get bored with repetitive activities such as ball chasing. So it is important to play a little bit, do about 10 minutes of training and play some more. Puppies especially have a low attention span and get tired after about an hour of training. Also, when training a dog to come, you should never ever ask the dog to come from a sit-stay command. This will contradict the stay command.

When teaching a dog the sit-stay command, hold a favorite treat out in your fingers and have the dog sit. Reward with a small piece of the treat. With the dog still in sit, make a stop hand signal and simultaneously say the word stay. Once the dog has performed the command correctly, take a few steps back to the dog to reward him with the treat. Never have the dog come to you to retrieve the treat once you have put him in a sit-stay. The simpler, the better; back to basics dog training will do the trick. - 32366

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The Use Of Dog Cages And Kennels When Training Your Dog

By Graham Smith

When you are searching for a dog kennel for your pet, remember that there are certain ones that are made for different types of dogs, and not every cage will be correct for your particular situation. There are kennels which are designed and made strictly for the comfort of small animals which are being transported. There are also the kennels which are designed with security in mind, made especially for the larger pets.

You can get a dog cage in any size that can be thought of, and some are big enough to hold an entire room filled with people. They are also made to fill different needs, and have many various styles. Make sure to get one that suits your exact needs and specifications.

If it is for traveling with your pet, you may want to get a cage that is fabric with a door of mesh and a roof that is zippered; or you may want to invest in the hard plastic type of cage with metal doors, or a kennel which is totally metal mesh save for a solid floor. Any of these are appropriate places for your pets safety and comfort while you are on a trip, be it for a vacation or going from one show to another. Also, these are ideal when you are not allowed to have your pet roaming free in a facility.

Most cages and kennels for training are designed to be used inside as a way of either housebreaking your animal, punishing him for bad behavior, or keeping him from running loose when nobody is around to keep an eye on him. If you can keep your dog in the cage at night when you are sleeping, they will learn to wait to use the bathroom until you are able to let them out, and this will help you with getting them on a schedule.

A training cage makes a good "time out" area when your pet makes a mistake and needs discipline. Your pet will quickly learn that if he doesn't want to go sit in the cage he will stop doing whatever he did that got him there. While it's not a substitute for your attention, sometimes a cage is a good way to keep your rambunctious pet under control during times when you're not home.

There are also cages made for outdoor use, like kennels, wooden floor cages that are a part of a doghouse, or dog runs, that are much like cages but have legs above the ground, and are stronger. Lastly, there are walk in cages which are much larger cages that can fit several large dogs in. - 32366

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Anti Bark Collars

By Paul Hamilton

When you gained your new pet dog, did you inquire concerning it's woofing? I wouldn't think so. You go first by the size of the dog, after that by the look of it and does it appear to like you, nevertheless I will wage you never considered to ask concerning woofing.

A lot can be down to your own day to day living circumstances. Do you need to go elsewhere to work and leave the dog alone? This could trigger parting apprehension in your dog.

Possibly the animal is just basically fed up which might be the reason it barks to get some sort of feedback from somebody, anybody might do.

Even when a pet dog is being scolded for barking it doesn't discriminate between any other sorts of attention. He probably doesn't care that you are rebuking him at least you are at hand and you are speaking to him, that is all that is relevant.

It is not all that is important though. He has to be taught that this is merely not the way to go on. He could not expect to just woof and all is going to be as he wants.

You understand how dogs in general bark at anybody who comes to the residence, not of the family unit? Your pet dog will usually yap at the mailman, however when he was small why did he begin to do that? I believe that he did it one time for the reason that he did not identify who it was and following that he thought that the mail delivery man departed once more because of him. He will have it fixed in his brain that he could be accountable for getting rid of strangers.

In some way you need to get it across to him that the mailman is not a menace to his family unit. Of course you do not want to curb his defensive instincts. After all, in a quantity instances that is why people keep dogs, particularly if they need to leave their house unattended throughout the day.

If you had a remote control device you have the ability to create him a slight shock whenever the mail delivery man arrived, of course you would have to be in the house to achieve that. If you aren't at home you should have an automatic shock collar that would simply detect that he was woofing and tell him not to, regardless of why or who he was woofing at.

It is an unfortunate thing but it appears that complaints regarding incessant dog woofing to the police force is the second most frequent story, this is second merely to alarms ringing.

If your own barking animal is reported repeatedly then you are apt to have very expensive fines and this can be heartrending to the money case. At the very least it can lead to strained relationships between you and your own neighbors which can be very embarrassing and totally needless.

You only need to find a way of curing this yapping trouble and maybe buying one of the anti bark collars available today. - 32366

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How to Raise a Well-Behaved Puppy

By Ana Walsh

Getting a puppy is always exciting. They're adorable, they're fun and no matter what they do, they're cute. Unfortunately, it's all too common for owners to let their puppy get away with things they shouldn't because, as a puppy, it is cute. Or, the owners just don't know what they shouldn't and should let their puppy do. Here are the crucial things you need to make sure to do when you get a new puppy.

First, don't take your puppy from its litter mates and mother before its eight weeks old. Those first eight weeks are important for their development. Taking a puppy too soon often leads to behavior problems in the long run.

Second of all, start the process of housebreaking the puppy immediately. Don't wait at all. Get things started right. Don't let your puppy develop any bad habits in the beginning. If possible, teach them to go potty outdoors from the beginning too, rather than doing paper training.

Third, don't allow your puppy to playfully nip at you. This mistake is fairly common, and one you will regret. Puppies should not ever be allowed to bite hands or feet, even if it's just playing. This includes playing underneath blankets or pillows.

Fourth, teach your puppy right from the beginning that you are the alpha dog. Also known as the 'pack leader'. Even though dogs are domesticated, they still have natural instincts. They still expect to be part of a pack, and every pack needs a pack leader.

Your puppy expects to have a pack leader. If you don't establish yourself as the leader, they will, and it'll cause numerous behavior problems down the road. Do a search online for more information on this if you don't know what it is. It's important to know and use this information.

Lastly (but definitely not least), your puppy needs to be gradually and carefully exposed to new, unfamiliar people, sounds, things, people, and so on. Do whatever you can to ensure these experiences are good ones. Bring along delicious treats and be prepare to give them lots of enthusiastic praise during the process.

I hope this article has given you some valuable insight on how to raise your puppy. Follow the advice provided and I know you'll do a great job of raising a happy, well-behaved dog that will be a loyal companion for years. - 32366

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Dog Behavioral Problems - 4 Simple Solutions

By James M. Hussey

Many dog owners are faced with bad behavior in their dogs, and if you're dealing with dog behavioral problems, it's advisable to act as quickly if possible. If bad dog behavior is tolerated, you may end up with a bigger problem on your hands. Thankfully, there are many no-brainer ways to adjust dog behavior issues in a humane and loving way.

Dog behavioral problems can range from adorable, but annoying little problems, to full on threatening issues such as a dog attack. Though there are various causes of behavioral problems, the solutions are pretty consistent. The old saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," isn't a plan you should rely on and with consistent training, you can beat dog behavior problems. Let's look at a few user-friendly dog training tips.

1. Be Consistent. This is the absolute piece of advice when training any animal. You may be tempted to let them slide every once in awhile, but this will only serve to hinder your training. Keep giving your dog rewards as well as with corrections and your pet will begin to realize that you are absolutely the pack leader.

2. Positive Reinforcement is Vital. While many Old-School dog training techniques, e.g.: newspaper smacks, may seem initially effective, they may actually cause more issues later on. Building up and praising your dog helps your dog relate good behavior with good rewards, and is a very effective technique of addressing even the toughest dog behavior problems.

In brief, reinforcing good behavior means that you reward your pet when he or she does what you are training him or her to do, and deny the reward when they don't. Even the most stubborn dog will begin to respond to these training techniques, when they are applied persistently.

3. Get a Crate. One of the simplest ways to put an end to destructive behavior is to provide your dog with clear cut boundaries. Crating them while you're away, or when you need some space is an effective and humane method to control your pet. You may need to introduce them to the crate slowly, and give them time to get used to being confined. The key is to be consistent and reward them for controlling themselves in their crate. A crate should never be used as a punishment, insted as a quiet place for them to go and be at ease.

4. An additional cautionary note for you and especially your loved ones. Once the dog behavioral problems are addressed, and the corrective training has started, it is imperative everyone who deals with the dog use the same-exact training techniques. Everyone must be consistent in the handling of the dog. If not, your poor pooch will become very uncertain and may act out even more than before the positive reinforcement training was initatied.

Once you have these methods in place, you can easily begin to solve dog behavioral issues without undue stress to you or your pet. A well behaved pet is a happy pet and you'll appreciate the lack of destructive and potentially harmful dog behavioral problems. - 32366

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How To Get Started With Dog Training

By Bella Smith

A well trained dog is like a well-behaved child. They are wonderful! The same applies the other way round ' an untrained dog is like a disobedient child. They can cause havoc! That's why it is important for every dog owner to do some simple dog training.

Many people incorrectly believe that not every dog can be trained. This is not the case. All dogs can be trained. Certainly, some are harder to train and others are easier to train. The success rate depends largely on the trainer's skills and experience.

When a dog has been trained, it is secure, happy and relaxed. Every dog wants a leader just like their ancestors who hunted and lived in packs. There was always the 'alpha male' that was respected and obeyed by every dog in the pack. Your dog will look to you to fulfill this role.

Teaching your dog his or her name is the first thing to do. This will enable you to get a response from the dog every time you call its name. This forms the basis to all other dog training lessons.

Once your pooch is responding well to his name, you can teach him the command to 'come'. Hold a treat in your hand and let him sniff at it, but don't let him take it. Back away a bit and say, in a firm command, 'Blackie, come!' Give him the treat when he comes to you. Every time you do this, go back further. Praise him profusely each time he obeys.

You can apply the same principle with the 'sit' and 'stay' commands. Keep your voice firm at all times so the dog learns the different tones to your voice. They quickly realize when your voice is playful or when it is serious. The praise factor is critical because essentially all a dog wants is to please its master.

Be cautious however about how many treats you dish out. While a treat is necessary in the early stages, you don't want the dog to obey commands simply because she or he can get a treat. You want obedience on command, with the reward being praise. Only use the treats while training. Don't give treats in between training sessions, because the dog will get confused.

If you want to enter your dog in shows or training competitions, you should seek some professional help. Join a training clinic where you can learn all the formal requirements that go with dog shows. You can get lots of information online about this form of dog training. - 32366

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What You Can Do With A Dog Training Collar

By Paul Hamilton

Perhaps the dog in your own life is a bit disobedient, he doesn't pay attention to you whenever you direct him to do something. Are you looking for a a way in which to rectify this poor conduct?

A dog training collar of some kind could be the answer to your difficulty. They come in lots of diverse types. There are martingale collars, type of choke chain design lacking the chain, they tighten up a bit if the dog drags far too much.

There are collars which operate by way of a remote control apparatus which provides a combination of sound and pulsation or shock correction. These as a rule have a big number of settings of sound and vibration so in between the two you own a huge number of modification choices.

If your pet is a nightmare to take for walks for the reason that he runs after cats, different dogs, people, automobiles in reality everything and anything which moves then he positively requires schooling.

Walking a dog similar to that is exhausting and quite honestly I do not believe the animal gets a great deal out of it whilst you are all the time having to reprimand him.

Are you aware of your animal's kind for sure? Maybe he is pedigree and in this situation there would be no issue regarding it, but if he is a mixture, do you know a combination of what?

Do you know that it is possible to get a DNA test done on your animal, taking roughly a week to sort out, this were able to notify you merely whatever strains are in your own animal.

This should be a huge assistance to you to know what sort of teaching technique will suit the animal best.

Perhaps you own a gun dog who you require for retrieval when you have been shooting. This sort of dog has to be properly controlled.

These mixture sound and pulsation dog collars are customarily entirely waterproof so that is good information for animals who need to be in water from time to time.

If your pet trouble is that the dog drags hard whenever walking there is an additional revolutionary appearing dog instruction collar which I have recently found. This comprises of a portion of dog lead that reaches about the nose of the dog and meets below the jaw to an additional section that adjoins the lead but at the back the skull, not the neck.

Vets, trainers and people similar to the RSPCA all consider that dogs act in response more rapidly to this kind of remedial leash than other kinds of dog schooling collars.

As with any manufactured goods there is a gigantic choice of these collars to choose from. You only need to determine which aspect of the dog's manners you want to modify then start your search. - 32366

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